Blogs for Eye Care Tips
List of articles for Eye Care Tips

What to do if soap gets in your eyes?
Usually we are careful of soap going in eyes while bathing or washing face,yet some times soap does enter our eyes causing discomfort and pain.You might even fear that you have done some long lasting harm to your eyes.In this article we discuss if having soap in your eyes is a cause of concern and what can be done immediately. Soap in eyes does cause discomfort,redness and pain.This is because of the difference in pH of our eyes and soap.Eyes have pH of around 7 which is neutral.A variety of soaps have pH of 9-10 which is alkaline.Our eyes have low tolerance for alkaline substances.Thus when soap gets into eyes causes burning sensation. Front surface of your eyes is very reactive to stimuli,so any contact with external substances can cause a great deal of pain.If left untreated the presence of soap in eyes could cause damage to the surface of eyes.

Contact lens not coming out of my eye
Contact lens is one of the most common ways of correcting visual issues. Contact lens should float over your eyeball and move slightly with every blink. You should be able to remove them easily from the eye. But sometimes these contact lenses can stick or fold inside your eyes or can disappear under your eyelid. So let"s see what needs to be done in such cases.

Can I do some eye exercises to reduce my number
Well, there are no scientifically proven evidences to reduce the power of your eye by doing some eye exercises.
The power of eye ,medically termed as refractive error depends upon the anatomical structure of your eye
I.e the length of your eye ,curvature of cornea and lens
So by doing any eye exercises you cannot change the anatomical structure of your eye.

Allergies to Eye glasses
Although not common, it’s possible to have an allergic reaction to your prescription eyewear.
This is because some people may develop allergic reaction to the material of the frames or the coating around the frame, friction of part of the frame against the skin, or the nose pad (the portion of your eyeglasses that sits on your nose) material is allergic and does not suit the person. Some plastic frames have a metal wire for support of the frame due to constant use the plastic coating comes out and the metal wire may rub against the skin causing redness or blisters. Some people may develop allergies due to engravings on the sides or temples of the frame due to allergic reaction of the materials. The result can range from a mild skin irritation to oozing, blister-like sores around the eyes, rashes or black marks.

How to clean my soft contact lenses
Cleaning of contact lenses means removal of deposits, debris, and germs from the surface of the lenses. This is essential for the hygiene of the eye and to maintain good vision. Do's 1. Do wash your hands with soap and water before touching your contact lenses. dry them with a lint free towel 2. Do change the contact lens solution everyday. Even if you are wearing the lenses occationally, still remember to change the solution regularly. 3. do us the rub and rinse method for cleaning the lenses. 4. Do remember to clip your lenses regularly. Nails are a reservoir for germs that can be easily transferred to your lenses. In addition they are capable of tearing your lenses and may in fact injure your eye while inserting or removing the lens. 5. Do remember to clean the lens case regularly. Allow it to air dry. 6. Do replace the lens as advised by your eye doctor 7. Do change the lens case every 3 months. 8. Do put on makeup after inserting the lens. remove contact lens before removing makeup.

Amblyopia treatment for adults in India
Amblyopia is a condition that results in reduced vision in one of the eyes due to an impaired coordination between the eye and the brain. It may be a result of a eye disease like large spectacle number or strabismus ( squint) but is generally marked by a reduction in vision that cannot be corrected by glasses or contact lenses. Although the eye appears normal, it is not being used normally as the brain favours the functioning of the other eye (the good eye). This condition is also sometimes referred to as a lazy eye . It is estimated that approximately 3% children will develop a lazy eye. Generally, children are diagnosed with this condition around the age of four, which means that the child can see less clearly out of one eye and relies more on the “good” eye.

Glasses number +0.25
Having a +0.25 number of glasses is indicative of a very mild hypermetropia. This kind of number can be seen in people who have a smaller eye or a shorter eye. This is a very small number to have and most people do not require glasses with this number. +0.25 number can even be needed for reading by people who are nearing the age of 40 or are working on a laptop or pc the whole day.

Does extensive computer use cause increase in eye power
Extensive computer use doesn't cause increase in eye power. Many individuals using computer or digital screens for for extended periods of time experience eye strain, discomfort, headaches,blurry vision and dry eyes ,neck and shoulder pain.This is because while using the screen for a long time the muscles which help you see near are in use for a long time and become fatigued which in turn causes eye strain. This strain may sometimes lead to headaches and blurred vision.Your eyes may also tend to become dry .While looking at your screen you forget to blink , either in order to focus at the screen you donot blink as much much as they should.Normally your eyes blink at about 10-15 times per minute which helps tears to circulate around your eyes and keep them lubricated and moist.Due to extensive computer use your blink rate reduces causing your eyes to become dry. If you have a eye power and are not using using your glasses.You may have increased eye strain while using your screen.Some people who have an eyeglass power or contact lens prescription may not find it suitable for the specific viewing distance of their computer screen.Some people may tilt their heads at odd angles because their glasses are not designed for looking at a computer or they bend toward the screen to see clearly.Their postures can result in muscle spasm or pain in the neck , shoulder and back. If you are a computer user for long hours and experience Eye Strain Headaches Blurred Vision Dry eyes Neck and Shoulder Pain You must be having digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome which is described as a group of eye and vision related problems that result from prolonged digital device use. These symptoms may be caused due to Poor Lighting Glare on digital screen Improper viewing distance Poor seating posture Uncorrected vision problems Most of these symptoms experienced by using digital screens for a long time are temporary and will decline after stopping computer use.However some individuals may still experience strain and blurred vision even after stopping work at a digital screen .If nothing is done to address the cause of the problem, symptoms will reoccur and worsen the situation. If you suffer from these symptoms a comprehensive eye examination will help us evaluate if you suffer from digital eye strain. The simple solution to all these problems are as follows: 1)Follow the simple 20-20-20 rule .Take 20 second break to view something 20 feet far away after ever 20 minute of computer or screen use.Make sure you do not use your phone or screen while taking the break.This break will help your focusing muscles to relax and help you refocus.To prevent eye strain try to rest your eyes when using computer for long periods.Rest your eyes 15 minutes after 2 hours of computer use. 2)Get your eyes checked and ensure you wear correct glasses if required.Special lens,designs,powers and tints may help to maximize visual abilities and comfort while using a computer screen. 3)Some computer users experience problems with focusing or eye coordination .Vision therapy ,Exercises may help improving vision abilities.These exercise or therapies help improve deficiency in eye movement and eye focusing . 4) Avoid unnecessary screen usage when not required 5)Proper positioning for computer use.Most people find it more comfortable to view computer screen when the eyes are looking downward.Optimally computer screen should be 15 to 20 degrees below the eye level. 6)Good lighting in the room and make sure that the position of the light source doesn't cause glare on the screen. 7) Anti-glare screens can be used to prevent glare. 8) Comfortable seating position and posture to be maintained while using your screen or monitor to prevent back or neck pain. 9)Blinking -Try to do some forceful Blinking to keep your eyes moist and prevent dry eyes. 10)Make sure that the breeze from your air conditioner does not fall directly on your eyes as it may cause dryness to your eyes.

What should I do to prevent my childs number from increasing?
1. Make sure your child spends as much time as they can spare doing some outdoor activities especially during day time. 2. Your child should avoid using a phone, laptop or any other digital device and should only use them when it's absolutely required. 3. There are commercially available spectacle lenses that as per studies show and give us upto 60% control over the increase in number. 4. Some eye drops proscribed by your doctor offer some control over increasing number in some cases. All of the above options either individually or in combination can help you control the increasing number to some extent but should be advised after a checkup by your doctor.